Please add "Text On A Prim" to prim face properties
StarWolff2000 Resident
Please add "Text On A Prim" to prim face properties: Basically, displaying a notecard on the face of a prim, like MOAP/Media-On-A-Prim. The notecard would be read-only, uneditable, only displaying the specified notecard's text.
A creator currently can display a color, an alpha, a texture, and a media browser on the face.
There's one similar feature, "data: URI", but that requires media to be enabled, and is very limited on how many characters can be in the string.
A feature like applying a notecard to the face of a prim would be handy for a lot of creators, to easily and reguarly change textual information without the creator needing to create a new texture or for the user to receive a notecard and have to dig in their inventory to read it.
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Fullperm Alpha
This is something i am waiting longer for: thanks for bringing this up StarWolff2000 Resident
StarWolff2000 Resident
I envision llSetTexture/llSetLinkTexture and their llSetPrimitiveParams/llSetLinkPrimitiveParams equivalent could be used. It already accepts a string texture name and texture UUID. The same function could be made to accept a notecard by name or UUID.
Or possibly a separate, dedicated function such as llSetNotecard(string Notecardname, float fontsize, vector fontcolor, integer face)
Ziel Omizu
I and many others would love this for basic information signs, notes, or books!
Woolfyy Resident
To go step by step and have a chance to see things in a near future, having notecard on a prim would already be a great improvement :-)