Functions to convert from lua table to json string would be amazing.
ESPECIALLY if they can handle vector uuid and quaternion casting correctly.
Recursively convert a table to json.
Some values in a table may not be convertible like functions, and should probably be skipped.
local data = {1,2,{a="b"},{c={d="e"}}}
local json = ll.Table2Json(data)
Would output something similar to
Convert a json string to a table.
local json = '[1,2,{"a":"b"},{"c":{"d":"e"}}]'
local data = ll.Json2Table(json)
Would create a table similar to
Casting of vector quaternions uuids booleans etc
It would solve ALLOT of problems if these methods handled casting of certain datatypes for users.
Avoid lsl's
I have made a "crappy" lua function that mocks ll.Table2Json mostly for debugging purposes