boolean to integer conversion
Wulfie Reanimator
SL's implementation of Lua now has three number-ish types:
- number(built-in)
- boolean(built-in,falseis distinct from0)
- integer(userdata, for compatibility with LSL API)
- integers can be created from numbers by calling integer()
Right now, we can't convert
to integer
, which makes writing scripts a bit convoluted:enable = false -- eg. result of `health <= 0`
ll.SetPrimitiveParams({PRIM_PHYSICS, integer(enable)})
-- error: lua_script:2: unable to cast!
-- [C] function integer
The current solution would have to be:
enable = false -- eg. result of `health <= 0`
enable = if enable then 1 else 0
ll.SetPrimitiveParams({PRIM_PHYSICS, integer(enable)})
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animats Resident
It's easier to fix this in Luau/LSL call list parsing than explain it clearly.
It would take about a half hour video by an influencer, plus a cheat sheet with examples of common mistakes, to explain this. Especially since errors show up at run time, not compile time.
Please, fix it so there's only one kind of "true" and "false'. Thanks
Wulfie Reanimator
I agree with this. Changing the
constants' values to Lua booleans and changing the way LSL lists are parsed seems to have the simplest outcome.It also resolves a lot of the context clash between LSL vs Lua, eg.
local doStuff = FALSE -- equivalent to zero
if doStuff then
-- oh no, we're doing stuff!
WolfGang Senizen
Or the equally horrid
enable = false
enable = if enable then TRUE else FALSE
ll.SetPrimitiveParams({PRIM_PHYSICS, enable})
I kinda don't like having
, true
, and false
.... especially as FALSE
doesn't evaluate as false....Wulfie Reanimator
That's a slightly nicer version. Still though!
Having implicit typecasting within lists is a whole other canny of worms. 😋
WolfGang Senizen
Wulfie Reanimator
I'm not sure it is nicer.... it's definitely more confusing to someone new.
animats Resident
I'd suggest that LSL list parameters that expect Boolean values require standard Lua Booleans. So insist on
enable = false
ll.SetPrimitiveParams({PRIM_PHYSICS, enable})
and disallow
enable = 0
ll.SetPrimitiveParams({PRIM_PHYSICS, enable})
That should be an error, not an auto conversion.
Yes, this will break some Lua code that a few users wrote in the last two weeks. Including some of mine. But it won't be a headache for years to come. The few people who go on the beta grid and try this alpha version of Luau can deal with that. I think we've all met.
(Implicit type conversion has a long and sad history, going all the way back to PL/1, which type-converted anything that could possibly be converted. It's a source of hard to find bugs, and has become less and less popular over the years for that reason.)
Wulfie Reanimator
re: "That should be an error, not an auto conversion."
Unless we'll actually get the
flag for scripts, conversions are the way Lua/u works as a whole, and we shouldn't break that for special cases. The same thing applies to LSL lists as a whole; the API should accept number
where integer
is expected, outside of strict-mode, but I digress.