LSL-Luau running out of memory from relatively small lists
Frionil Fang
This started happening sometime after yesterday's (Mar 11) Luau test region restarts.
Allocating lists that take up as little as 12 kB under Mono, in an otherwise empty script, will cause an out of memory error under LSL-Luau.
Repro script: works under LSL-Mono and uses ~16 kB memory (4 kB code + 12 kB from the lists), runs out of memory under LSL-Luau.
list t1; list t2; list t3; // simply for speed under mono, appending to bigger lists gets slower
integer i;
for(i = 0; i < 1024; ++i) {
t1 += "";
t2 += "";
t3 += "";
llOwnerSay("memory used: " + (string)llGetUsedMemory()); // would be wrong under Luau anyway
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Signal Linden
Thanks! The memory bookkeeping is somewhat fiddly right now. We'll have a look at what's going on here.