Do not trigger an alert on review deletion
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Aglaia Resident
On the marketplace, if you click "Delete this review", you get a confirmation alert to ask you to confirm you want to delete it. This kind of super old school alert is terrible because sometimes, for some reason, it doesn't show up. I'm a seller and it happened to me many times that, after talking with a customer, they accepted to delete / rewrite their review, but could not do it. They say: "when i click on Delete, nothing happens". I think this happens mainly when they are using the build-in browser: maybe the alert is out of the display area, i don't know. This situation is terrble: bad reviews are a pain, so when you succeed in helping a customer and have them change their mind... you get stuck by a technical bug, which is extremely frustrating.
Alert confirmations are very old school and there are some more responsive ways to ask a confirmation for an action.
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RestrainedRaptor Resident
Alerts and confirmation prompts work fine in most browsers, but I have noticed that they stopped working entirely in SL's own built-in Chromium. Like you described, they just don't appear. That should be reported as a separate bug if it hasn't been already.
It would also be nice if we could just... Edit a review rather than have to delete and make a new one.