The image upload section states that images need to be the following.
Upload an image
Image requirements:
Minimum dimensions: At least 512 x 512 pixels.
Recommended dimensions: 700 x 525 pixels (W x H). Larger images will be resized to fit within these dimensions.
Maximum file size: 1MB
Aspect Ratio: The aspect ratio of the above dimensions are 1:1 and 4:3, respectively.
File type: PNG, JPEG or GIF.
I have always uploaded square images, and as you have now implemented "IMAGE" functions in world that only work with Square textures, it seemed silly to do anything but squares.
In the past this did not matter to the overall look of the added images...all of a sudden - because it was not like this when you added that new area under images for the extra images - the images under the main are stretched and distorted unless the random recommended dimensions are being used.
Please fix this, it looks horrible
you are also stretching the main image under the main image that shows correctly, so it is a horrible visual.