Severe: Copy-buffer filled by other people's data!
Peter Stindberg
When using "paste" in the 2FA dialog, you get other people's data pasted. I never put that URL (or what I had previously - part of a conversation) into the paste buffer.
That's very bad!
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ostiabs Resident
Can you let us know if this is user data or rather data from one of the developers? Was user clipboard data exposed to other users?
Peter Stindberg
ostiabs Resident The first time I noticed it (confused, not really realizing what it was, thus no screenshot) it seemed to be a chat line.
The web-viewer does not take keyboard input from me, so I never got past the 2FA dialog (see related ticket). I noticed it had copy/paste, so I copied my 2FA code and tried to paste it.... and got a chat line instead.
My assumption is that it is the copy-buffer of the previous user of that specific vm/instamce, that did not get cleared after logoff.
in progress
Working to resolve this now.
Peter Stindberg
Sntax I assume it's the copy buffer of the person who previously used that instance/vm.