Double sided pbr material shows differently on the doubled side
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Celestine Ghiardie
Apply a pbr material to a mesh. Set the material to double sided. Lower the metallic to 0 and up the roughness to 1 in the sliders. One side of the material on the mesh will follow those sliders. The other side will not.
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Celestine Ghiardie
Hmm testing on the viewer, that Crexon suggested I can't reproduce the issue. Both sides seems to look the same now on a double sided material. Seems I reported a non issue in the SL viewer :) Sorry about that!
Atlas Linden
needs info
Atlas Linden
Hi Celestine,
As given by Crexon in their comment:
Are you able to reproduce this issue on the official SL Viewer rather than Firestorm?
And can you also provide a screenshot of what you're seeing?
Crexon Resident
I just tested on a mesh cube and was not able to reproduce this on the latest LL viewer, DeltaFPS.
Can you test on that viewer to see if you have the same issue or not?
If not then its likely something that was already fixed and will make its way to other viewers as they update.
If you still see it on DeltaFPS are you able post pictures of what you are seeing?