The navigation within the emoji picker floater is a complete mess und completely unintuitive. The emojis are displayed in several category tabs and each tab shows the emojis contained in a table layout. Now everyone would imagine you can move the selection easily by the arrow keys on the keyboard, for instance selecting the emoji directly to the right of the currently selected one, but: Wrong!
If you press the right arrow key what everyone would do intuitively, it switches to the next tab instead! To select the emoji directly to the right, you have to press the down array key instead! On the other hand if you quickly want to move the selection a fews rows down, you press the arrow down key and have to wait until the selection iterated to all lines in between.
This makes absolute no sense, is completely unintuitive and also contrary to the navigation everywhere else in the viewer: You select a different tab by pressing ALT + the left/right arrow key. The navigation in the emoji picker floater should be changed accordingly.