Extreme thrashing, or failure to completely rez, of scripted letter/number textures on game boards, Shoutcast boards, and similar items
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Anastasia Horngold
This problem started cropping up after the introduction of PBR. We have had many reports of this in Firestorm support, and it does repro on the official SL viewer.
The problem generally involves letter/number displays that are scripted to change. Other parts of the object are not affected.
Typically the scripted item will make its texture change, and the texture will rez, blur, rez, over and over, or simply remain in an unreadable, blurry state.
Right clicking the item or putting it into edit mode will often cause the textures to completely rez. Once the item is deselected, it blurs again.
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SabrinaCooke Resident
I've been getting this a LOT, and it's especially annoying when I'm trying to take snapshots at heavy/fully decorated sims. I can cope with it by right clicking into the Edit menu on the item, but that's hardly a tenable solution.
Dan Linden
Please add SLURLs to examples where this happens.
Shawn Dakota
Dan Linden. It's not consistent, not happening all the time, but where I've seen it the most is here at my house: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Primal%20Fusion/143/215/23 with the crates I have on the wall. Lilke just now when I was getting the SLURL, the crates were perfectly clear and looked fine, but then all of the sudden they went fuzzy as in the attached.
Kira Skydancer
Dan Linden Happens, well, everywhere. Torgon's KittyCats! info boards are pretty consistently doing it to me, including at my lonely piece-of-homestead (not the owner), but all the time, especially during auctions at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/CatTales/140/130/23
Kira Skydancer
I'm still seeing this as well, especially on Torgon's KittyCat! boards, but elsewhere as well. Has been happening for at least a month or more.
annoying. I tried all the fixes in the "texture thrashing" wiki for FS,did not fix.Shawn Dakota
Seems to happen to me a lot, mostly on gaming machines like No Devil, but sometimes on other things too.
Webmomma Resident
Hi, I am having this issue as well (see: https://gyazo.com/479290f921511a3ff3890bffc2fe0b66). Note that when I took the gyazo pic which meant my browser opened, then the board became clear for a little bit but goes back to being blurred. Would like to hear of a fix for this.
Andred Darwin
I wanted to add this:
This supposed to be fixed https://github.com/secondlife/viewer/issues/888 and https://github.com/secondlife/viewer/pull/1030/commits/124879346c5df410ce631ab21b104fd8177e7fc1
The canny issue was closed back in August.
Since then, I don't see that problem at all anymore, even with gadgets that display scrolling messages, it seems to render perfectly... however, when using old viewers, all of them (no PBR), will or may exhibit this issue in one way or another.
Second Life Release (64bit) (No issues since a few builds ago... ), one idea... I always clear cache after switching between viewer versions specially the old versions without PBR, maybe be worth to try using the latest ExtraFPS or even the FS 7.1.11 which also supposed to already have this code.
Nisa Maverick
I can confirm I have this problem with an Event Board, constantly goes blury, sometimes rezzes after right clicking and edit but never stays as it should, will go blurry again.
Dan Linden
needs info
Dan Linden
Hi Anastasia,
Does this bug reproduce on the latest ExtraFPS viewer, available at https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer.html ?
Some texture loading issues have been addressed.
Anastasia Horngold
Dan Linden
Hi, Dan,
That seems to have partially fixed the problem.
The textures still don't load at first, but once I right click or edit the object, the textures rez, and then they stay rezzed as long as the viewer is in focus.
When I tab away from the viewer and back, the textures are unrezzed again, and I have to right-click or edit the item again.
We will try to get some users to test this fix too.
Bavid Dailey
i get this all the time on my Picotto game in Firestorm. Maddening
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