Fix rezzing of no-copy items
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Aishagain Resident
To the best of my recollection this is a new manifestation of an old issue. I assume it is a failure of logic at some stage within the simulator code.
Eren Padar
Aishagain Resident Both correct and not. It's a newly-noticed manifestation because I just became a Teegle fan and it now hits me more often. But I've noticed this exact manifestation ever since I've been a member of SL... and that's over 21 years. Which honestly, could raise question as to my sanity. ;D
Aishagain Resident
Eren Padar I did say that it was a NEW manifestation of an OLD issue. Something in the simulator code has been (inadvertently I assume!) reverted. It did seem to have vanished. And with regard to sanity, you are FAR from alone, though mine has only lasted 16 years!
Eren Padar
Aishagain Resident I understand. In my experience however, this problem has always existed. I don't recall any period of time on SL where I didn't experience this problem on occasion.
Aishagain Resident
Eren Padar that is entirely possible and I can recall an increase in issues with such items when folk attempted to rez no copy items on mesh floors (many of the incidents occurring in Linden Homes). So my recollection my be skewed.
The matter we all agree on is that the issue is present and it is something that should NEVER happen.
Eren Padar
Aishagain Resident Yup yup. Couldn't agree more. Dan Linden seems to recognize that (he seldom says for certain, but he hopped on it pretty quickly and his reply carried that "this happend?" kind of tone, so I'm hopeful). And I think you're right. I was aware of it but wasn't moved to report it until I bought a no-copy Teegle horse. So prior to that the times I noticed it most was when I tried to rez on a mesh surface, or forgot to check if the land allowed rezzing... so it didn't happen often enough to cause me concern. But I know people have complained about it for ages-- especially if it resulted in permanent loss of their inventory. (That happens if the merchant is one of those that offers zero after-sales support, or has left SL or is departed).
As you say, it should never happen, so I am in hopes that the fix is as easy as I've presented (a basic logic check at the very start), and LL gets right on this one. I would love to just have the system say "I can't rez your no-copy Teegle horse right here, so happily left it un-touched in your inventory." ;D
Aishagain Resident
Eren PadarSadly I suspect the "logic check" that you suggest is one of these perfectly reasonable things that server code ought to be capable of but which thanks to SL's spaghetti code, will disrupt one, if not several other, vital pre-rez checks or processes. Such is SL.
Eren Padar
Aishagain Resident Indeed. I was speaking to one of the larger Opensim grid owners (I won't mention names) who is very adept at coding. He told me there were huge chunks of SL Viewer Code that was totally undocumented... and that they don't dare touch it because they have no idea what it's supposed to do. Some things they can, with great effort, figure out. Other things, it's like an ancient lost language that no one can decipher.
Of course, I've never written undocumented code. Well, almost never. Kinda. ;D (In truth, what really burns me is when I go back to one of my lengthier scripts and have trouble figuring out what my own code is doing. THAT will surely turn one to regularly documenting code!)
Dan Linden
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, Eren!
Issue tracked at We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
As for the disappearing post, that's a known issue when a canny is moved between categories. The post still exists but it's in a field that only admins can see.
Eren Padar
Dan Linden Thanks Dan. Would be nice to fix that "disappearing details" as well. Moving to another area should either totally replace the original, or not delete the detail text, one of the two. But of course the rez issue is THE issue at this time. At least we can read the original comment in the Canny. Thanks for providing the link! : )
I am curious as to what category this should have been placed originally. Was a head-scratcher trying to figure out which category to use. Maybe a category needs to be added labeled "BUGS". ;-)
Eren Padar
Re-posting this to keep new readers informed, because some glitch is preventing the original post from showing up.
The original post basically read:
When a no-copy item is rezzed in a no-rez area it vanishes from inventory, requiring a user to RELOG in order to retrieve the item.
This does not always work, sometimes causing inventory loss and the necessity of going through a re-delivery process... which is not always available. In such case the inventory item is lost permanently.
Wouldn't it make sense to have the system check for rez-rights BEFORE any attempt at rezzing occurs, leaving inventory untouched if rez-rights do not exist? This would seem a simple fix... an easy check before any attempt at rezzing is performed.
This would eliminate dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of relogs a day, reducing the strain on sim servers and asset servers.
Dan Linden
How old is this issue? Is this a new issue that popped up in the last day?
Linn Darkwatch
Dan Linden This is an old issue that's been around for years. It is past time for it to be addressed.
Eren Padar
Dan Linden I agree with Linn. This issue has been around as long as SL (to my knowledge, and I've been on SL over 21 years). I'm glad you took notice of this Dan. I do have to wonder why no one has made LL aware of it before. I became especially aware of it when I started using Teegle no-copy horses, and realized how often I had to relog because I thought an area was rez and I either wasn't in the right group, or my top bar didn't show it as no-rez (no idea why that happens), or I simply forgot to check for rez-rights. But it causes everything from temporary inconvenience to searching inventory to try to find an item... to actual loss/destruction of a no-copy item. And as mentioned in my post... this seems to me an easy fix-- a simple logic test before the rez routine is even touched. "Is this user allowed to rez here? No? Inform and Exit."
Something else I don't understand (in this specific case) is why my initial detailed post doesn't show above. I had to repeat that post in a comment, and will need to do so again just to keep people informed.
BunnyDancr Resident
Please fix :)
Kayak Kuu
fix please
Isobel DeSantis
Equally frustrating is trying to rez a no-copy item on some types of mesh and receiving a nonsensical error message that "the owner of the land doesn't allow it" as it disappears.
Juliette Tempest
this has happened to me so many times and people say oh relog it will be in your inventory, or don't worry it will get returned to you, well it never has/does, so yes this one is a real frustration for me
Linn Darkwatch
I too have lost inventory due to this issue. It is very frustrating.
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