Inventory Issue on Second Life Release
davidventer Resident
When opening the inventory, it's missing many items. I have to open a second inventory window for everything to show.
Clearing cache and even reinstalling doesn't seem to solve this problem. I always have to open a second inventory window to gain access to my full inventory, The first window that opens mostly shows empty folders. The recents filters don't seem to work in the first inventory window either, I always have to open a second Inventory window and then everything only shows up in the second inventory window.
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Dan Linden
Dan Linden
We believe this issue is fixed in the just-released ExtraFPS RC - linked on
Please let us know.
davidventer Resident
Hi Dan Linden, I am unable to confirm as it pops up the following (attached) when I run and won't let me log in.
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Dan Linden
Can you run the Second Life release viewer (from ), then open Preferences > Setup and make sure "Willing to update to release candidates" is checked. Then try to run the RC viewer again. The popup you see is almost always caused by that option being unchecked.
Dan Linden
under review
Dan Linden
Thank you for the report, davidventer!
If the viewer has a clean shut down and you don't clear the cache, does the Inventory load correctly the next time you log in?
Issue filed. (only viewable internally at
davidventer Resident
May be related to:
davidventer Resident
This bug also affects the latest Alchemy viewer but it does not affect Second Life Release, so I switched back to 7.1.10 for now.