Viewer crashes when trying to access a folder using a folder link that has an image associated with it
kev Barony
- Open inventory and create a new folder.
- right click that folder and select copy.
- past folder as linked.
- navigate to original folder and right click> select image.
- assign an image to that folder.
- navigate to linked folder and try to double click or right click and find linked. viewer should crash.
- if viewer does not crash > open the folder that contains the linked folder in "a new window" and repeat step 6 within that new window. viewer will crash
video of issue attached
Second Life viewer and Firestorm viewer effected
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SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your detailed bug report regarding the viewer crash when accessing a folder link with an associated image. This issue has been previously reported in our Jira archive and will now be set to tracked. We appreciate your contribution and will monitor this issue for future updates. Please stay tuned for any progress on this matter. Thank you for your continued support and patience.
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