With massive inventories in the >> 80k items range, especially for older residents, there are a lot of folders that are basically stuff a resident does not use frequently. Stuff you would move to the attic in RL. This slows down searching and finding items and causes UX issues when the inventory UI slows to crawl or search is super slow.
Examples include pristine copies of items only kept as backup in case the active item breaks down. Legacy stuff that fell out of fashion, but is too good to simply delete. Tons of other things.
It would be useful to mark such folders with some "attic" or "archived" category to get them out of the way. Those items should not show up in the default inventory list, should not be found by the default search and should be treated as basically non existant unless explicitly requested. They should not be wearable or attacheable in that state.
Those attic / archived items should be de-prioritized for inventory loading. The inventory could be considered fully loaded for all important purposes even with all archived items still missing. This would speed up initial avatar loading in some cases.
The items should also not simply be display filtered but put in an entirely different structure (maybe extra tab in the UI) to have performance gains in search and browsing.
A bit like those infinite chests in games, where all the loot gets put thats not useful but still worthy of keeping.