Additional features to build mode
Mattssn Ghost
I am suggesting a few more features to build mode to help with ease of manipulation of Prims, just a few QOL additions that I thing would be very well received.
Option to evenly space selected Objects, say I have 5 objects 10m distance between each side with 3 in between, my suggestion would be to allow me to select all 5 and hit a button to evenly space the ojects within the 10m edges
Align options for multiple objects:
Be able to select multiple objects and align to a certain edge ie N,E,S,W
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Woolfyy Resident
OK and more precisely what are you suggesting ? Your post is a mystery lacking details and concrete examples to be understandable.