Allow last names from the previously retired names to be chosen. (paid membership perk idea)
KaiAraIndigo Resident
You're adding all these perks in order to get more users and to get folks to upgrade their memberships. Have you at all considered opening up the previously retired last names to plus, premium and premium plus members? Do you have ANY idea how much revenue that would bring you? You wouldn't have to change what people pay for name changes, but just being able to choose a last name (for example, for married couples in SL, families, friends, MC's, clans, etc) There have been so many people that have come and gone in SL, last names really aren't something that is about clout of having an old name anymore. I hear people ALL THE TIME saying how they wish they could have the same last name as (insert people/partner/groups here) BUT being able to personalize your last name to further you being able to connect on another level with "your tribe" would be amazingly profitable. You'd have a drastic influx of income (In my opinion anyway) as a result of bringing back the ability to change names to some older options that already exist in world. I don't know how it'd work on your end, but it seems like it'd not be much to put this into play. It might even coax some older users to come back to SL. Just my two cents.
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Silver Starlight
I've thought about this before, and on the one hand, I understand why it hasn't been done, but I think the best compromise would be to only allow a given account to change its name to something that was available in the year it was created.
steph Arnott
Why would I change my name if married, that is antiquated veiws on ownership of a woman, property. This not two hundred years ago.
Tithe Vile
steph Arnott People might both change to something completely new to match. A man might change to match a woman’s name. Both people might be men or women and change out of personal reasons. This isn’t really the right venue to voice these concerns. Not really on topic with the proposed suggestion just an example used.
steph Arnott
Am at a loss as to why you can not understand that Linden Labs has to comply with laws and to comply it had to stop allocating family names of real world people. You have the option of creating a name in SL but not your account last name. Simple as that.
Eirynne Sieyes
steph Arnott - sometimes you just like the other name better. :D
Lacie Nolan
I been here will be 19 years next week, thats a looong time, and I have not met another 'Nolan' since 2006. There was lots of us back then, and over the years have dwindled down to what I just me.
I honestly don't want to see my last name being 'paid' for to become active again just cuz someone wants it now. What I would like is to see if someone from 2006 who has same last name is still around cuz we family!
There are constantly new last names coming up, for special holidays or events, and you can always put your own ideas of last names in an option too!
I've done that a couple times and mine hasn't been picked either, but who knows maybe some day.
And like it was mentioned, use of display names are popular for those ideas of family, partners and so on.
KaiAraIndigo Resident
Lacie Nolan That's interesting, how long would you actually sit and talk with someone who happened to have the same last name as you do? Or would it be more like, hey that's cool i haven't seen another Nolan in forever, hey cool we have the same last name! Kthxbai. You'd consider a total stranger who just happened to have your same last name as "family"? I also find it very interesting that you also suggested a last name but it hasn't been chosen yet, so how much are you truly attached to your current last name if you've considered changing it if they did approve your suggestion? I've already discussed my thoughts regarding display names, so I won't rehash that subject, but as I said.. to each their own opinions. :)
Lacie Nolan
KaiAraIndigo Resident exactly...we all have our own opinions, and just cuz I suggested a name doesn't mean I would actually use it, but would be cool to see that name here in SL.
But I'll stick with my opinion that displays names are better for what your suggesting. Seeing how many relationships and familys die off or break up often, why use an older timer name for that.
And far as the family comment I made, it is in a way cuz we all started same time with same last name, there is a history there we can talk about and laugh about how childish some of these new people are with crying over things they can't handle when we survived being blobs.
Darling Brody
Forget about the ability to use old last names, how about free form last names the same as we can with first names? If Linden Labs don't want people using old last names they can lock them out. I'm an 18-year-old account and I consider my date of birth to be my badge of honour/shame.
My frustration is that years ago somebody registered my business name because I didn't realize my business name had come up as a last name in the randomly released name selections. Having a free form last name would resolve these kinds of problems. people can create their account and business names together.
KaiAraIndigo Resident
Darling Brody I'm not interested in forgetting about it because I believe the suggestion is a good one. However I understand and respect your opinion on the subject. I do however completely agree with allowing users to create their own last names as they do in many other gaming platforms. I also agree that a rezdate is a much more realistic way of showing avatar age "clout" if there is such a thing. Too often people though assume a younger account not to be knowledgeable about the ins and outs of SL usage, and are snarky to others about things. Those who treat "noobs" badly are really just bullies hiding behind pixels anyway. I do understand your frustration at someone creating an account with your business name though, that really stinks, and those doing that sort of thing are usually the scammer type so I think you have a very good reason for wanting the change to last name as well. It's really unfortunate that happened. I think a lot of folks also don't realize that last names are released or forget to look and miss out.
steph Arnott
we had no say on last names and it would bring in zero revenue
KaiAraIndigo Resident
steph Arnott You're entitled to your opinion :) but I completely disagree, I've seen loads of people buy name changes for holiday last names, there's truth in that fact, and the money paid is the proof behind it.
Fahrah Rajesh
It's not a good idea for people to change their names so much that then you don't know who is who. In addition to the fact that the game allows you to change the display name several times per month, old names are part of our history. My family keeps his real name. The one who wants to use a display one is fine, but that's about changing his name every time you change your mood. Or relationship or family. Oh, it's not very heavy, the truth is, and to me personally it seems somewhat illogical
KaiAraIndigo Resident
Fahrah Rajesh I agree that name changes shouldn't be frequent, it does help hide those who don't always behave well. However, I know real life people who have married a few times and have changed their last names when married so does it really matter that much in a virtual world? I think if there are those you want to remain in contact with in SL who want to change their names.. they'll stay in contact. Names aren't going to get rid of bad apples. I personally really don't care how often someone changes their last name, but others may care and that's fine, they are entitled to have that opinion. Personally, if I care to remain in touch or if someone needs a fresh start.. so be it who am I to infringe on their choice of last name, especially when it legitimately exists already?
ASCIIrider Hailey
Your suggestion is pretty much the idea why display names came into play. Those can be changed weekly, for free, so why would anyone want to pay to change the name to something that may be short lived?
As you said "There have been so many people that have come and gone in SL". There's people who've been married, or have been in a family multiple times within a year alone. It's not like the old days that if you wanted to have the same surname you needed to create a new av. I myself use a hyphenated display name for the family I'm part of. If I ever leave the family, it'll cost me nothing to change my display name back.
Also, yes it IS about the clout! How many do you see with the Hailey surname anymore? It's a badge of honor having an old name and being one of the few still playing who have it. We're back from a time when we had to pay about $US 10 to even make an account. Our names and scarcity are a badge of honor.
KaiAraIndigo Resident
ASCIIrider Hailey I personally can list off at least around 40 people who would have changed their names (some of them a good handful of times). Yes, people can their display name anytime they choose and that's fine for those who do it on a whim, or who can't or don't want to pay. I've also suggested last names in the past following TOS and not pre-used, and those haven't been implemented. I choose not to pay to change my name on this avatar because none of them are ones I would choose for myself. Also I've never seen a Hailey before, and quite frankly I'd never choose that last name nor have any of the people I've known have ever stated they wanted to change their last name to Hailey so.. really.. the only person I've ever run across caring about that name.. and whatever "clout" you presume is there with that name is you. I have been in SL on other avs since 2006. I'm not some young kid who just popped into SL I'm in my 50's IRL. and I'm not at all attached to my old names such as Widdershins, Xi, Mistwood, Karsin, etc. Could not care less. I've spent thousands in SL over the past near 20 years of being here and done so quite happily. I have not chosen to change my name from resident on this avatar because there are none I like, and most of them now are silly or frankly kind of stupid or lame. There are however, a handful of older names I'd happily pay for changing to, on a handful of older alts even, and I wouldn't mind at all upping my membership to have the ability to do so. As I also said, I can point out about 40 odd other folks who would do the same in a heartbeat... display names be damned
. But again, that's just my little observation and 2 cents, you know.. from being here many many years.. much like yourself. smiles
Tamraen Dryke
KaiAraIndigo Resident If it's not about clout of old names and people so desperately want to have the same name as their spouse/family, they could both change to the same current new name. I think there's some database storage issues with regards to names, so that might be why some are retired before new ones are created. But maybe you can pass the suggestion along to your 40+ friends because I doubt LL will bring back old names. There's really no reason to, like you said there's no clout for it, and the option to have the same name is there with a new name and that makes them twice the money because both people would change.
KaiAraIndigo Resident
Tamraen DrykeIt isn't about clout, it's about people feeling a connection relating to their tribes, and for some doing display names is fine, for others they just really have a desire to have the same last name as their "tribe". You are right they can all change to a new name, but again I point back to my original comment about most of the new names are really not appealing to a lot of folks or are silly or pretty lame. I find the comment about database issues interesting and I'd love to be more informed about that, though it does make it odd then that they are still releasing new names if that is the case. Trust me I definitely have suggested to others to choose a new name,
but you know people, they want what they want. LL may never bring back the older ones shrugs
, but my initial suggestion was about LL being able to make a LOT of money from folks who will definitely pay for a name change they actually want, and that's really what it boils down to.. just trying to make a positive suggestion to keep SL in business, considering they're down about 100k users per daily login compared to years before. I mean if SL keeps dwindling, then none of the "names" will be here anymore eventually. So again, just trying to offer a suggestion to keep LL in action, for the betterment of us all really. You're not wrong though about if all parties would change to a new name.. though with the current offerings.. especially the holiday ones.. most people don't choose those for families/MC's/partnerships, etc.. they choose those for the fun aspect.. and so they'll have access to change back to those yearly during holiday times( I know a few who do that already they have halloween/easter/christmas surnames they swap to).. so it's a conundrum for sure. Like I said, just my two cents and trying to offer LL another option for making more money and it'd be a positive perk that I believe loads of folks would jump into supporting with their RL dollars.
y'all are also entitled to your own thoughts as well but I see nothing wrong with making a suggestion of this type especially when in reality it doesn't hurt anyone. If there are technical reasons for it not being possible.. maybe there are options to explore to solve that, or maybe they can't.. so be it.KaiAraIndigo Resident
Tamraen Dryke I Have been thinking on this a bit as I'd found your mention of database limitations interesting, I wonder how many with "Resident" are still out there? I'd guess the numbers are much higher than any other existing last names, I'd think that if there are limitations, then clearly LL must have some way of mitigating said limits. Just an interesting thought.
steph Arnott
It was ended due to a legal issue. Linden Labs was violating US law.