You're adding all these perks in order to get more users and to get folks to upgrade their memberships. Have you at all considered opening up the previously retired last names to plus, premium and premium plus members? Do you have ANY idea how much revenue that would bring you? You wouldn't have to change what people pay for name changes, but just being able to choose a last name (for example, for married couples in SL, families, friends, MC's, clans, etc) There have been so many people that have come and gone in SL, last names really aren't something that is about clout of having an old name anymore. I hear people ALL THE TIME saying how they wish they could have the same last name as (insert people/partner/groups here) BUT being able to personalize your last name to further you being able to connect on another level with "your tribe" would be amazingly profitable. You'd have a drastic influx of income (In my opinion anyway) as a result of bringing back the ability to change names to some older options that already exist in world. I don't know how it'd work on your end, but it seems like it'd not be much to put this into play. It might even coax some older users to come back to SL. Just my two cents.