Allow sub-folders in Outfits
JaneRustle Resident
Reinstate creation of sub-folders in Outfits. This was allowed until fairly recently. People end up with a large number of outfits in a single list and cannot classify them by type, color etc.
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Soanos Pacer
This would be amazing, for all those different avatars/OCs that add up over the years.
Anastasia Horngold
This is very exciting to see marked as planned. Thank you!
Signal Linden
Gael Streeter
What good news !!!
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Signal Linden Please be sure to add "Add Outfit" and "Remove Outfit" right-click features to sub folders. These are features which already exist in third party viewers.
kat Wilner
That would be awesome !! Ce serait Génial !!
Spooky Mistwallow
I found that if I log in on radagast text viewer I am able to create system folders in the outfits folder. Then I can go back into FS and there they are. Once I have those, I am able to create sub-folders inside the new system folders I created to categorize things. Drag the outfits into the subfolders. Was far easier when I didnt need to jump through hoops to do it though.
Jennifer Boyle
Spooky Mistwallow You can do it with Catznip, too.
Anastacia Bloodrose
Yet another reason for using Firestorm
Spooky Mistwallow
Anastacia Bloodrose you cant do it in Firestorm either unless you already have non-outfit folders in there that you created before they took that function away
SL Feedback
Merged in a post from PurringFox McMillan:
Title: Adding category folders to outfit files
Details: Currently you cannot add folders to outfit files to sort inventory into groups such as business attire, beach wear and so on.
Mourna Biziou
wholehearted yes, this is desperately needed. also make those folders apply to the outfits gallery/list via appearance window, please.
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Include base folder in outfits
DownRightHeight Resident
Provide and include function folder in outfits
Bavid Dailey
what is a function folder?
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