Change Birthdate to Rez Day
Gorgeous Aurelia
Everyone says Happy Rez Day! No one says Happy Birthdate, which is what is on our profiles now. I propose we change the label to Rez Day.
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Etheria Parrott
I actually like birthdate. This is my
life and that is when I was born into that life.Marisa Starbrook
My recent rez day was on the 7th. I did get an email from Linden Lab wishing me a happy rez day. Several years ago I got a rez day cake inworld. It would be neat to get that again or a rez day boopie.
Gorgeous Aurelia
Marisa Starbrook At least you get a rez day email! I HAVE NEVER, and I just turned 18!
Marisa Starbrook
Gorgeous Aurelia I wonder if it has anything to do with email settings. I checked on my account page. I've got emails for IMs checked, and I'm subscribed to LL communications. It's a mystery why my rez day would be acknowledged and not yours! Belated Happy Rez Day!
Ceilydh Resident
Marisa Starbrook it may be a Premium/Plus perk?
Marisa Starbrook
Ceilydh Resident I don’t think I was premium anything when I got the cake a few years ago. I hope it’s not a premium perk.
Missbehavin Neva
I agree 100 percent with the Rez Day label.
Christi Maeterlinck
Yes, agreed. And talking of label changes, PLEASE could LL rename the 'Appearance' button as 'Outfit' button? It's tedious having to explain that it 'doesn't mean what you get when you click on your avatar and then "Appearance" and then "Edit Shape" and while you're there, it's not quite the same as "Edit Outfit parts".' Let's be consistent. Just mentioning it here since nothing seems to have happed as a result of the Feedback suggestion I made some months ago.
MidnightAnnCrow Resident
maybe get a reminder that pops up from second life wishing the person a happy rez day or something to that effect. or...maybe on their rez day then get some lindens for their rez day, i dont know, maybe 500L as a rez day birthday gift.
Christi Maeterlinck
MidnightAnnCrow Resident, now there's a great idea! I looked for the Linden Angel on my 10th rezzday but nothing arrived... maybe in a year's time she'll gift me some L$s on my 20th...
MidnightAnnCrow Resident
Christi Maeterlinck my rez day is on feb. 4th 2016 so i got 9 years coming up.
Rockridge Constantine
This seems like a reasonable request to me.
Frans Charming
It might need a little 'i' icon you can hover over and explain that it is the account creation day. For the people who are unfamiliar with the word 'Rez' used in this way.
Prisqua Newall
Agreed. Little detail, but that's how it should be.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Thank you for posting this!