Have a duplicate finder.
BellaLethal Alpha
I personally think a duplicate finder would be amazing. Or if you could type something like maitreya. And everything with that name in it could be deleted in one fail swoop. I often find I'm reopening things because I can't find them in my inventory. This would help a ton of people out with inventory issues including myself mine is well over 600k. It's something I really feel that would be extremely useful and beneficial to the users of second life.
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Merged in a post from Nyxie Nebula:
Title: The End of Duplicates & Giant Inventories!
Details: I think that if there was a way for us to automatically check and find duplicates in our inventories it would vastly decrease load time, lag, inventory loss, and so many other problems associated with inventory issues. I cannot fathom that after 20+ years of being in the world that Second Life hasn't brought this feature to it's residents as it would diminish so many issues we have on a daily basis. Also, I know that it would lead to less support tickets, less inventory loss, and less headaches that leave some people to just give up on Second Life completely. Maintaining our inventories is vital to the common good of our community! Thank you.
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Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding a duplicate finder for inventory management. This idea has been brought up in the past and is indeed a valuable suggestion. We have set this issue to tracked, and while we have no estimate on when it may be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. Your input is greatly appreciated, and we hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you for your commitment to making Second Life better for everyone.
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