Inverse Kinematics and Ragdoll Physics.
Caian Nagy
I've been on SL over 16 years, mostly creating and animating. So, I believe we are in great need of:
Inverse Kinematics and Ragdoll Physics.
also, from that, I think we could have also ropes physics and have whole other ways to create which is now impossible.
Thanks LL team, ♥ you all.
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Shakeno Tomsen
Upvote. I've been begging for this for ages to no avail, and I'm in the exact same situation and feelings as OP.
When working on my animation exporter I tried giving IK export a go, but the current implementation of IKs is just bad and extremely limited. I don't think they are even really supported since they mess up so much.
I don't think this is an animation request though, as IKs should have their targets set by script, either to prims in your avatar or in the world.
C4ylus Resident
Harvey Lamilton
Kore Jardberg
Puppetry was supposed to introduce that 2 years ago.
Caian Nagy
I elaborated some functions, it still rough tho
marxman1313 Resident
It might be a good idea to explain Inverse Kinematics if it's possible to edit the post or leave a comment about it. I THINK I know what you're talking about having learned animation from a Blender friend but I'm not entirely sure and imagine most would have no idea.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Cackle Amore
The sad thing is there is IK on the feet, but user made animations override it.