in progress
Journey Bunny
Apparently, Invisiprims, a neat feature for being able to use a shape to hide parts of objects, was not actually removed for a reason; it simply didn't get implemented because it was never an official feature.
Per the latest SLCCUG:
Link is queued to the time explaining that there's nothing preventing invisiprims from being a thing again, and it'd be neat to have the option again!
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Signal Linden
in progress
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Signal Linden Yay! \o/
irladar Resident
woooohooooo!!!! that‘s great. thank you!
RestrainedRaptor Resident
We literally don't need it. We have alpha layers that we can wear on the LL body or any BOM mesh, and it's officially supported. Invisiprims were always a hack.
Enigma Conundrum
RestrainedRaptor Resident You don't need invisiprims to hide body parts, but I had two clocks that used them which no longer appear correctly.
Spooky Pumpkins
Please make sure these do not effect alpha textures on rigged mesh.....example : demo signs.
Journey Bunny
Spooky Pumpkins Good, interesting point! If the invisiprim texture affected (culled) the "object it was on" then in theory, someone trying to use it to hide a demo sign around their torso would be cutting a hole in their torso. But, if someone were able to use one floating above their head to wipe out a floating little "Demo" up there, it'd be more effective than covering the sign with accessories. Some considerations in there--either way, glad the ability to cull objects in some way is coming!
Philip Linden
We are working on a solution, more info soon.
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Thankyou Philip, from myself and all other affected boat users across SL!
Signal Linden
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Thankyou Signal :)
Oriella Charik
My use for invisiprim was to hide the water surface for the stairs down to my castle dungeon! Yes please to anything that can do the same.
Zeth Starlight
I really think adding it makes no sense. Only a handful of people would really get any use out of it today Currently with the alpha layer system, mesh avatars, and customizable pieces, there really is no need for such a thing anymore. I'd rather LL put their resources toward something that would effectively benefit the whole grid, not just niche few.
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Yes! Please reintroduce Invisiprims to SL's new generation of PBR viewers, as the Invisiprim is often used (with ALM off in pre-PBR viewers) inside boat interiors to hide the water surface which passes through boat hulls.
IceCold Skytower
I would want this to be more like a universal culling surface.
You could set a face on any object or mesh, to not render certain rendering types, behind it, when seeing through it.
The ones you find in Advanced -> Rendering Types
That'd make it super versatile and highly useful for many applications, and make SL feel closer to being like a game engine
For example, make a prim box, and on one face of it, set it to not render anything but the sky behind it.
Or set the top face of a prim box to not render water behind it, the fog and the surface effect too.
Quinn Elara
+1, although I'd rename "Invisiprim" to "Water occlusion volume" to set expectations correctly.
RestrainedRaptor Resident
Quinn Elara Okay, that makes more sense. When I hear 'invisprim' I think of the old hacky boxes people wore before wearable alphas were implemented.
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