Pay to change GROUP NAME
Sasy Scarborough
You can make a group in 2006 and in 2023 want to change the group name because of branding or changes to how the group functions. You don't want to just make a new group, because you would be gambling on the fact that people would follow you to that new group. Being able to pay a small fee $10.00 should be possible with a ticket. The fee would discourage this just being something done willy nilly, but could help a lot of group messes.
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Ginger Chevalier
Yes we want this possibility ^^
Ari Dumont
I agree we should have this available with safeguards:
*The ability to auto- eliminate people not active in sl for over say, 10 years.
* The ability to change the name, yet it will be a hidden group until the person switched over agrees to it. They get a pop up automatically when they log in about the change and if they wat to stay and if it is visible or not..
*3 The ability to do this every 2 years, which is generally how long a store or group retains in sl.
*4 The ability to auto transfer officers one by one or by batch and reasign them.
The points below are valid. SO let's find solutions to those issues and trudge ever onward :)
As for the fee. While I agree there maybe should not be one, at the same time, I agree there needs to be a fee for server maintenance. 500L seems reasonable and is generally beyond the scope of your run of the mill trolls.
Victoire Sire
Please, YES!
andersonvasconcellos Resident
I completely agree that would help a lot, being able to change the name, but a fee in Lindens would be charged for this change.
Alice Aurelia
It's a useful feature, many will agree, but there can be so much abuse here, up to and including transferring / selling the group to a completely different owner who has a different store or even completely different goals. Not being able to change the group name ensures that you will always stay in the group you joined by choice. If there is a rebranding or something similar and people are offered to join another group, at this stage a certain part of the group members is always lost, these are the so-called "dead souls", people who are rarely in SL and joined the group for a one-time prize. The rest - those who need the group will definitely move to the new one.
So while the proposal is tempting, I would vote against the possibility.
Victoire Sire
Please, YES!
Mister Acacia
I personally like the idea for the sole reason originally implied: rename/rebrand an old group with thousands of members to make it easier to "transfer" all those members to the new group as opposed to making them all join a new group.
Since it costs L$100 to create a group, make a rename cost the same. If the actual cost to create a group is more or less, adjust both fees accordingly. We residents must understand that anything LL do for us costs them money in the form of digital storage space and labor, it's only fair that we help offset that cost
And limit the number of renames (i.e.: once a year or once total) to avoid any issues related to that behavior. Perhaps include a mechanism whereby residents can choose to hide a renamed group until they decide what to do, maybe with an alert modal showing old and current names.
Yasmin Dionysus
a thousands time yes
Polymath Snuggler
Groups are Immutable Assets though. I think the only way to actually implement this feature is to have a tool that automatically transfers all group members and structure from Group A to Group B. But I don't want to wake up suddenly a member of the "Nazis are Actually Great" Group and have that show up in my personal profile, because I was previously a member of "Friendship and Unicorns" Group ~ and the group leader got hacked.... so I dunno about this feature~
Arwyn Quandry
Polymath Snuggler Possible fix - when a group name is changed, it's automatically hidden in member's profiles until they unhide it.
Nelson Jenkins
Polymath Snuggler They're not immutable, no. Way way way back around 2008 or so, LL changed all the names of the various "Second Life Police" groups to remove all instances of the words "Second Life" (it was honestly really funny to wake up to being in a group just titled "Police" with no warning). So it is definitely possible on their end.
Spidey Linden
Issue accepted. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future release notes for this fix.
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