Perks for long term Residents?
Dana Enyo
I've thought for years that there should be some sort of bonus or perk for someone who has been active in SL for ten years (and more after 20! years). It could be a discount in the membership fee, additional land, a bump in the monthly stipend or just a one-time (or maybe annual) "Happy Rez Day!" deposit of L$. There should be some sort of "minimum activity" requirement in there so the perk doesn't go to dead accounts.
Those of us around this long (16 years for me) are not just Residents; in RL we're Ambassadors. We're the folks out there actually trying to explain what this crazy place is and why they should try joining us. The Old Av Bonus would recognize that good work.
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Rathgrith027 Resident
A monthly stipend or gratis tier amount would be nice.
Izzatooona Enthusiast
Thank you, I love this idea :D I've been a resident since 2007 (this year in December, I will hit my 18th anniversary. I would love some recognition for staying with LL for this long.
Kassina Wylie
I've been inworld for 17 years! I would love to show that off or have perks for it. We've been here a long time, investing in this world.
Raven Salty
I've thought about this too. My original avatar will be 22 this year, and this one will be 20. I think it's important to recognize the people that have stuck around for all those years. People that have 20 years and up in SL should be given some sort of perks as a thank you. A free 4096 of land, a free premium membership, a monthly bonus... something. Those are just ideas. 20 years is a long time! Clearly we love SL or we wouldn't still be here. :)
Holocluck Henly
I arrived in 2008 because all my friends in Cybertown who arrived in 2003 had an NT based PC. Was the only thing stopping me :) The moment I upgraded I was here.
SL6B was my first exhibit :)
Not everyone who's joined SL has been active, even if my stipend isn't as stupendous like my older friends I'm now an oldtimer...
Anyway this would be something more than a badge on the profile, simply because you don't need to have an active account to have a profile. It would be something else for ACTIVE avatars :)
ZcreamXezar Resident
Or a badge shown on the profile would be a sweet detail too.
Tamraen Dryke
Just had my 18th rez day on Feb 27th, and have been active every day besides a few accumulated months/years for health and RL here and there. I think I've been Premium for nearly as long as it offered. I'd love something of a perk or recognition. 18 years is a very long relationship and it'd be nice to have something that brand new players can't just get or buy.
Orion Greymoon
As someone who just slid over the 20 year line, I absolutely agree. Many places I travel to in SL have a noticeably high count of us Long Lifers and are core to keeping SL ticking, IMHO. We've all spent a lot of money in SL over the years and have contributed to the culture as well. needs to be something meaningful....
Ellen Cordeaux
As an active member of the 2006 club, I support this!
Paul Hexem
As long as it's actually active, not just an old abandoned account like we see on much of mainland, I think this is a good idea.
Dana Enyo
Paul Hexem Totally agree. Shouldn't be hard to put that "Active" fliter into the algorithm. Maybe some minimum number of logged-in days in the past year, and perhaps a maximum number of "years off." Whatever it takes to make it a meaningful.
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