Currently, if you teleport to a region, especially an event region, it takes forever for assets to download. It would be nice if we could create a "snapshot" of all the region assets, minus the avatars.
Think of it like this:
  1. A region owner sets up all the static objects.
  2. Said region owner has anyone who wants static objects inside
  3. Once they are ready, the region "bakes" a package that contains all the assets, and maybe the object cache. This bake can only be done once per day.
  4. Viewers can then pre-cache, even if it is full, the entire region while they wait.
  5. When a agent enters the region, the region loads almost immediately for them, because the cache has been downloaded and added to the viewer cache.
This is isn't for regular use, but rather when someone wants to teleport into a region for the first time, they can download the entire region's static object cache before entering. If they enter the region without pre-caching, the region just streams the assets as usual.