The ability to prevent TP to G-rated regions
Cinnamon Mistwood
In preferences we have the ability to unchecked a box to prevent accidentally TPing to an Adult region. The current options are G, GM, and GMA, but there is no option for either M or MA without G.
It would be nice to have the option to block G regions if one is only in SL for adult activities and dresses that way. A warning pop-up letting a person know that the region they will be landing in is not in their safe region rating and asking if they want to TP anyway or cancel the TP would also work.
Give us the option to prevent an accidental TP if we have inappropriate clothing on for the land rating. Gotta keep Grandma happy!
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Bloodsong Termagant
my thoughts, exactly!
perhaps G/M/A access options could be 3 separate things, with checkboxes.
i would also like the toggleable OPTION for 2-part teleports, where the viewer will warn/ask when i am teleporting to a marked maturity region.
for folks who live in child avatars perpetually, it's easy to turn off access to A regions. as someone with a wide variety of avatars, i want access to A shopping/event regions, but i want a warning to pop up, so i remember to check which avatar i'm in.
Sydelle Zanzibar
Bloodsong Termagant I have A turned off, and the landmarks come up as NA. I would sure like the ability to see that it's restricted as opposed to non-existent. It has led to some confusing moments. And any rating should be allowed to restrict, not only A.
VriSeriphim Resident
Another reason for this is that mesh clothing sometimes is delayed in loading. I have seen many avatars arrive several seconds to even a minute or more before their clothing does, leaving them naked, often with out the user being aware that other users are seeing their avatar naked.
With LL now more strictly enforcing content ratings - especially G - a warning before entering a G region would provide users more opportunity to wear BoM/system layer underwear to avoid accidental nudity.
Zandrae Nova
This would be wonderful.
Fauve Aeon
I think that this is a good opportunity for a scripted consumer product instead.
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
Fauve Aeon: Scripting is
100% reliable — as I just recently did a long response about on another issue. Particularly where G-rated regions are in question, it's simply not good enough.Also, scripts don't get notified you're about to teleport to a new region (perhaps they should, it would resolve a bunch of other issues, too, especially if they could also be pre-warned that the target region/parcel is set no-script, etc.), let alone any chance to check what that regions rating is.
For a whole bunch of reasons, once your there, it may well already be too late.
Fauve Aeon
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident good points, thank you. I like your idea of the warning message.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
SandorWren Resident
Maybe the easiest way would be to have greeter that informs people that they are in a G rated region, and that they should make sure all adult accessories are invisible? That won't prevent griefers, but it would help prevent accidents.
Kore Jardberg
Clever idea ! I'm voting in favor.
Bleuhazenfurfle Resident
This is a fantastic option, but it needs your current rating to be readily changeable. I would recommend keeping the existing GMA setting, that affects marketplace and the likes, and then a in-viewer "current" setting which is readily changeable; this feature can be entirely viewer-side.
As an alternative (or perhaps in addition), just put up a warning message when going to a lower-rated sim (I think I mentioned this option elsewhere).
For bonus points, allow individual attachments to indicate their rating, and your viewer rating would be set to the highest out of your attachments any time you add or remove an attachment.
MelLouna Resident
Hello, or can we change the maturity? because I can no longer access certain places.
Love Zhaoying
I took part in the Forum discussion on this, and I think it is a great idea.
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