We're working on upgrading Second Life’s voice system from to WebRTC, bringing better audio quality, noise cancellation, and automatic gain control while also enabling voice on mobile clients.
Why the Change?
  • Our current Vivox implementation is outdated and lacks modern audio enhancements.
  • WebRTC will improve voice clarity, spatialization, and performance across devices.
What’s Changing?
  • Spatial Voice: We’ll use open-source solutions to maintain and enhance spatialized audio.
  • Group & P2P Voice: A new server infrastructure will support these features.
  • New Features: Improved voice clarity, better volume management, and potential for enhancements like reverb effects in certain regions.
What to Expect?
  • Viewer Update Required: Upgrading to WebRTC will require an updated viewer.
  • Better voice experience: Lower latency, clearer audio, and improved support across devices.
We’re finalizing the technical details and transition plan—stay tuned for more updates!