New Road assets for the Mainland
Extrude Ragu
Having seen the exhibit at the SL Birthday this year, it is clear the moles are capable of some wonderful art.
I think it would be great if a new building set of road pieces and assorted decorations could be produced, using mesh and PBR with the aim of upgrading the appearance of Mainland roads.
I think this combined with the eventual PBR Terrain rollout will send the Mainland well on it's way to a refreshed new look that everyone will be able to enjoy, and help the Mainland to exist in the present, rather than just the past.
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Violette Elf
I agree with Extrude and Abnor too. It's great that there can be some areas that serve to preserve the vintage appearance of the Mainland. However, some residents go to great lengths to keep their publicly viewable areas pleasant and updated.
It would be a great task to complete. As it is said 'many hands make light work'. I think it's worth considering taking on a few extra volunteers from the wider community simply to replace/fix/update roads on some continents of Mainland, besides just Bellisseria. There are public roads that 'eat vehicles' and other issues that make them a challenge to enjoy. Building more means very little to most Mainland Residents if we can't enjoy what we already have.
Abnor Mole
Thanks Extrude
As one of the Moles who built those roads originally I can tell you that rebuilding the roads would be a huuuge task. There are many factors from everything to the custom nature of every meter of those roads to wanting to keep the historic feel of the roads to just how many of those roads there actually are.
It is something we definitely would like to do at some point, but current projects have to take higher priority at the moment.
Miro Collas
Abnor Mole I have to agree regarding preserving SL history. And I very much like that that is an important factor for you guys as well.
VenKellie Resident
Abnor Mole i agree with keeping with history but i also think its time to put a fresh coat of paint on the old. Maybe mesh the roads but keep the textures on them?
Kimberly Lemongrass
I agree with this. The mainland looks ugly and it's about time the entire mainland gets a ground texture upgrade, as well as all roads and decorations alongside the roads updated.