Please complete Heterocera continent coastline
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Please complete the coastline of Heterocera continent by adding one water region to the west side of Tiger region. This will complete the perimeter coastline of Heterocera, enabling north/south boat travel on the continent's west side, as well as making a full loop of the continent possible for the first time.
Request originally requested as a JIRA Request, [BUG-231433] (Accepted) see:
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Deefer Doge
I would be surprised if this ever happened as adding water regions is not someting LL like to do, when they were obviously extending Bellisseria towards Satori S.W coastline it was asked of them to complete the long abandoned coastline there on Satori to enable coastline sailing but Abnor said it was not in their interest (read that as financially). That it was up to mainland residents to allow access for other residents to pass - even though my argument was that there wasn't and still isn't a completed coastline - even the mesh of the terrain does not terminate naturally into the sea I have long been convinced many at LL or the Mole community still don't see our SL world as many of us do, as a joined up continuous world to be explored and enjoyed in a natural way as possible, walking, sailing flying - not TP'ing around everywhere. A public empty sea region makes no money for LL.
Satanasa Bracula
Deefer Doge it is very clear they do not play SL. I agree with you.
Eowyn Southmoor
Could it also be that one reason a region has never been added there is that the water height of the Moma region is set to 40m rather than the default 20m height?
SarahKB7 Koskinen
Eowyn Southmoor
The three Heterocera regions of Tiger, Moma and Togata are arranged in a backwards "L" shape on the west coast of Heterocera continent, with Tiger in the upper right position, Moma in the lower right and Togata in the lower left.
Tiger and Togata have standard 20m height coastlines. Moma, being in between them, being inland without a coastline and having a higher water table in it creates a problem where no boat movement between Tiger and Togata is physically possible.
This means the west coast of Heterocera continent is "incomplete", boats cannot move north/south (up/down) it and neither can a boat complete a full loop of the remainder of the continent's coastline.
Moma contains the top section of a waterfall which flows downstream into a valley in Togata to the west of Moma. Moma's higher water table plane also intersects with a coastal road tunnel cave which allows road traffic to pass through the three intersecting corners of Tiger, Moma and Togata, which creates a unique "drive-through" road cave there, as Moma's higher water table has "flooded" the tunnel.
It would seem that while the road and cave was successfully built to allow coastal road traffic to move freely, a navigable coastline in that intersecting corner was not, mainly because of Moma's waterfall and it's higher water table. But there is a very simple solution...
Proposed Solution:
Adding one new water region on the west edge of Tiger region (and north edge of Togata) would allow boats to move freely between Tiger/Togata. Moma would be completely unaffected. No edits, adjustments or rebuilds to any of the existing regions would be needed or necessary.
The new water region (added at grid co-ordinates 994,1029) wouldn't interfere with the nearby Regalis private island region either, as the two regions would be diagonal to each other, remaining invisible and inaccessible to each other.
Additional Features (optional):
The new water region could also serve as a convenient boat-rezzing location for the public, perhaps with a combination of a small Bellisseria-style island, lighthouse and boat rez dock.
JJ Control
Hopefully, this is possible.
Reckless Rotunno
Absolutely please do!!! We live on Heterocera and bummed because we can't make it around the continent. It's like, doh, trips over, stand up and pick your boat up and lets go home...that's no fun! And the east side has a nice big LL dock for rezzing boats..but you can't go completely around the entire of Heterocera...
AlettaMondragon Resident
This has indeed been a big flaw in Heterocera's design forever, and year by year it came up again and again, for which the Lab usually made the excuse that the owner of Regalis, a private region too close to the continent, didn't want to move their region elsewhere. This point is not really valid anymore since multiple private regions were relocated when parts of Bellisseria were built and since then the reserved grid coordinates (that cannot be chosen in the land store) were extended in those areas for wider clearance around mainland and Bellisseria regions.
In the same manner Regalis should be relocated in order to have the clearance required to place a new mainland region to fill the gap north of Togata, west of Tiger. Similarly to those regions, the new region doesn't have to be entirely protected waterway. It can be a reasonably wide waterway that would finally fill the gap on the existing waterway, and the rest of the region that is not needed for sailing can be land that you auction off to residents, so everyone could benefit from this. We would get the much desired waterway and the Lab would get about 56000 sqm of revenue-generating land or more.
SarahKB7 Koskinen
AlettaMondragon Resident One new water region placed to the west of Tiger would not physically touch the nearby Regalis private island region either, as it would be placed diagonally corner to corner with it. There are many examples of diagonal corner to corner regions already in SL which never see or conflict with each other. One well-known example is the island of Hanshin (Jeogeot) which has the Linden Homes Fantasseria theme neighbouring it diagonally.
AlettaMondragon Resident
SarahKB7 Koskinen I know but the Lab has a technical rule that they leave at least one region gap in all directions between mainland continents and private regions. For many years they used this excuse to refuse adding a new region here, which was quite weak even then, but since about 100 private regions were moved in recent years to allow Bellisseria to connect the mainland continents, the Lab showed that they can simply relocate such regions if they have a good reason to do so. And this here between Tiger and Togata is definitely a good reason.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your detailed feature request regarding the completion of the Heterocera continent coastline. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We appreciate the thought and effort you put into your proposal, especially considering the complexities of the region and the potential benefits for the sailing community. While we have no estimate when this might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. Your input is invaluable, and we hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!