The rehab/revitalization of Linden Memorial Gardens
Skot Kinsella
The rehab/revitalization of Linden Memorial Gardens of essential to the Second Life Community as we grieve and yet wish to honor our friends who have passed away.
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Abnor Mole
KiraYoichi Resident
Abnor Mole this is such great news today. 😭
Abnor Mole
KiraYoichi Resident: Tracked means we cannot commit to any changes at this time or the near future, but we are not completely opposed to the idea either. With so many upvotes in such a short time, this is obviously something many of you feel strongly about and we recognize that.
KiraYoichi Resident
Abnor Mole yes, I understand. Was excited just seeing any kind of update notice in general �
Skot Kinsella
Abnor Mole. thank you for placing this as tracked. We are hopeful that something good will eventually come of this:)
Haridsam Resident
Totally, absolutely, unreservedly agree with this. All of us have SL friends who've passed, and of course RL loved ones we'd like to erect a small memorial to so as to have a place to visit and remember them.
Tracy Vanderpoole
I've lost a couple of friends and would like to see this done.
DrFran Babcock
We are an old demographic. I have lost my closest friends here. Please consider this. Thanks.
Zy Butcher
Although I do not have anyone there and I have never visited, I think its important to have these kind of spaces so people can grieve and we can keep community; this is something unique that cannot happen anywhere else.
Madi Melodious
Over the years I have lost two very dear friend that were taken in RL from me. I would be honored to assist in something more permanent we could do to remember those that we have lost over the years in our SL due to them passing.
Solar Legion
Having lost two who were very dear to me, I too would love to see this happen.
IrelynMae Resident
Please! I support this request, 100%! My RL mom is the one that brought me to SL at a young age. When I found out about the gardens, I immediately had to come to the sim and have a flower put up in her memory after she had passed. Accompanied by 2 close friends, that have also become close and like family to me over the years in RL, joined me and mourned with me as I put her name to a flower in her honor. Just like in RL, she touched so many peoples lives, due to long nights being up dealing with chronic pain that kept her awake, and bonding with others who also suffered. We ran her store and maternity clicnic together back then, often side bg side, until she just couldn't anymore. For anyone that knew her, she was indeed an "AngelicOne" with a heart and compassion for people. R.I.P. AngelicOne Muliana...
Ikaros Alpha
I have a list of memorial spots for friends that has become longer rapidly in the past 5 years. As all of these are privately owned, I'm relieved when I see that a memorial is still there in the first place. I would welcome more permanent spots on Linden Land. Findable places.
Airimo Evergarden
I strongly support this request, and would gladly volunteer to assist in this effort. SL is old enough that almost everyone who 'lives' here has lost at least one friend, and would love to memorialize them in world. I know of many independently operated memorials, but they are temporary in the way all sims are-when the renter (or the landlord sometimes even!) disappears, so does the memorial. The LMG could be our memorial garden and place of remembrance that is exempt from this decay common to SL.
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