Misplaced jump target triggers "Service Unreachable" script upload error when compiling Mono scripts.
Lucia Nightfire
Bare bones repro script:
if (TRUE)
Does not repro with LSO compiles.
I ran into this with a much larger script and had to delete scopes to find it.
It would help if this script bug would cause a syntax error message and location to appear in the compile status window instead.
It feels like I've seen this reported before, but I cannot find the bug report.
Please link the issue if it already exists. Thanks.
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Maestro Linden
Maestro Linden
This is looks the same as https://github.com/secondlife/jira-archive/issues/9655 In the original report, it indicated that the script would compile/save properly - slightly different than this bug. However, when I try to compile the first script shown in that bug in server 2024-10-19.11413863173 , I see the same error as when I try to save the script in this report - saving fails.