I was testing a rezzer and noticed that when I rez an object with REZ_DAMAGE set it makes the object temp, even when the temp flag is not active. I was told I should post this. default { state_entry() { // llSay(0, "Hello, Avatar!"); } touch_start(integer total_number) { string s = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_OBJECT,0); llRezObjectWithParams(s, [ REZ_POS, llGetPos()+<0,0,1>, FALSE, FALSE, // Relative offset 2 meters forward REZ_ROT, ZERO_ROTATION, TRUE, // Relative rotation REZ_VEL, <0,0,0>, TRUE, FALSE, // Relative velocity 100m/s forward REZ_DAMAGE, 100.0, REZ_PARAM_STRING,"TEST", REZ_LOCK_AXES, <0,0,0>, // 1,1,1 Disable all rotation REZ_FLAGS, 0 | REZ_FLAG_BLOCK_GRAB_OBJECT ]); } }