Allow llHTTPRequest to request application/x-ndjson
Tornado Siren
I would like to interface with an external API via LSL, but it only responds with the content type of application/x-ndjson. The response data is actionable data that LSL is capable of processing, however as the content-type is not on the strict list of types that HTTP_ACCEPT permits, it returns status 415 "Unsupported or unknown Content-Type."
The header from the API I want to use is
Content-Type: application/x-ndjson; charset=utf-8
Sample return data
"id": "9mkQIvL8rnrn",
"time": 1740453264,
"expires": 1740496464,
"event": "message",
"topic": "demo",
"message": "a demo message"
"id": "uOim1bYhnisq",
"time": 1740453267,
"expires": 1740496467,
"event": "message",
"topic": "demo",
"message": "a demo message"
"id": "wFhpksR0U2Lc",
"time": 1740453267,
"expires": 1740496467,
"event": "message",
"topic": "demo",
"message": "a demo message"
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Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
Tornado Siren
To dispel any ideas this data would not be usable within LSL, I crafted a demo parser of the lowest quality and stability in just a few minutes that's able to digest this data and get info out of it.
Journey Bunny
Looks interesting/useful. Is there a specific api? ( in the past, trying to get LSL to work with pastebin encountered similar issues; I got some headers allowed, but still had some issues! )