Add a new function LSL function named llRenderText or similar, which allows users to dynamically render text, with limited but flexible formatting, onto the face of their choosing. Concept: // Signature llRenderText(integer face, string text, list params); // Basic example llRenderText(ALL_FACES, "Lorem ipsum...", [ FONT_ALIGN, "right", FONT_WEIGHT, "bold", FONT_FAMILY, "sans serif" ]); Rationale Text is ubiquitous, yet Second Life has no way for users to display text other than uploading a texture, setting floating text using llSetText , or using relatively resource intensive solution such as XyText/Furware/et al. This absence precludes interesting features, such as being able to create a responsive interactive terminal in Second Life, HUDs with dynamic text, etc. A scripted and efficient text solution that displays on the face of a prim/mesh would give Second Life the biggest bang for the buck: Limited in scope (easier to implement than grand UI-creation ideas) Easy to kitbash into existing and new creations For inspiration, you can look to how the Text Display widget is implemented in the Playstation game Dreams. It has limited options: a finite number of fonts and formatting options, but the fact that it can be combined with other content makes it rather powerful. Other details Font color, opacity, glow, etc are controlled by prim properties (Example: setting face color to red sets font color to red) Questions Should the background always be transparent? Creators could put another prim behind the text display face to give it a background, or it could be a property of the render params. Possible Parameters FONT_WEIGHT FONT_STYLE FONT_FAMILY FONT_VERTICAL_ALIGN FONT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN FONT_TEXT_WRAP FONT_LINE_HEIGHT FONT_SIZE Possible Features Markdown / rich text