Region crashing using DDoS based attack
A Navarita
Individuals using a program called <something>, they enter the region, grab the IP address and port number for the hosting server, and they proceed to launch and attack using the program on their desktops. This causes the region to go offline, and you are only able to bring it back online using the portal. After a year of experiencing these crashes on a daily basis in my region, I was finally able to find out what was going on.
(I've never used this JIRA before, so I am not sure if this is the right place to report this)
Please someone come up with a solution to this. It's been a long 12 months experiencing daily crashes in my region. I've spoken to various representatives via an open ticket that I have and no one has been able to help me.
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Vanity Bonetto
complete? as in "we fixed it and it will happen never again"?
A Navarita
Vanity Bonetto I'm wondering the same thing, as I have not heard anything for more than a month now.
Maestro Linden
The status shown in Canny indicates that the investigation is complete - the issue has been imported and assigned.
A Navarita
Region El Jefe was crashed tonight 4/27 at 10:40PM EST.
A Navarita
Second crash, 04/28 - 12:20PM EST
A Navarita
Third crash 04/28 - 2:42AM EST
A Navarita
I've updated ticket #2199878 with the information of what happened tonight.
A Navarita
Fourth crash 04/28 - 10:24PM EST
A Navarita
Fith Crash 04/28 - 10:52PM EST
A Navarita
Maestro Linden Below is the screenshot of the crashes (Saturday - Sunday)
A Navarita
Queen Noble
This has been going on for such a long time, pls help!!
A Navarita Tonight, at 9:42pm SLT the club at this location was crashed using the DDoS software. Owner Ted Flinker (flinker007) says it's a common occurrence.
Jamzcr Resident
Please help! Since this happens constantly, we just want to enjoy Second Life.
xKNYAx Resident
We have been dealing with these attacks for months and it is unbelievable that the solution has not yet been found, we ask for help as this problem is affecting both the DJs and hosts who work at El Jefe Sports Bar as well as the visitors we hope for prompt help to solve this issue.Thank you in advance Maestro Linden
braulio300 Resident
Estas son unas de las razones mas importante el porque ya no asisto a clubs porque están famoso el club que pagan a hackers para tirar los SIM y estos daños que le hacen a los clubs traspasa a la pc de las personas las cuales estamos presente al momento de este crasheo porque nos afecta el PC.
Maestro Linden
SasseMcKenzie Resident
Es triste, sobre todo porque después de tantas caídas, el que sufre es el computador. Siendo de un país latinoamericano, el invertir en un aparato para poder entrar a SL es un poco complicado y que vengan esas personas y no piensen en el daño que hacen. Gracias por poner manos en el asunto. Porque por precaución ya uno se abstiene de ir a discos en general, quitando así uno de los atractivos por los que uno ingresa.
Iliana Shabazz
There are known avatars that crash the sims ( alts) Once linden labs review the abuse reports sent about them, ban the avatars and their known alters as the main one this will finish, no one will want to loose their avatars, hidding behind and alt to crash sims for fun, envy or what ever reason they have makes them feel protected. some crash them cause the traffic, personal reasons, money give aways , but.. loosing their main avatar cause this reason will teach them a good lesson.
A Navarita
Iliana Shabazz Linden Labs ha estado investigando diligentemente estos incidentes durante bastante tiempo, y toman estos asuntos muy en serio. Tienen un proceso exhaustivo para identificar y tomar medidas contra aquellos responsables, sin importar si están utilizando avatares alternativos para ocultar su identidad.
Confío en que Linden Labs continuará llevando a cabo una investigación exhaustiva sobre estos ataques, asegurando que todos los involucrados enfrenten las consecuencias adecuadas por sus acciones. Tu disposición para abordar este problema abiertamente es admirable, y animo a otros a hacer lo mismo.
Confiamos en el proceso de investigación y apoyamos los esfuerzos para mantener un ambiente seguro y agradable para todos los residentes de Second Life.
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