Add marketplace policy regarding AI generated content
Chaser Zaks
So going into this, I want to disclaim that I myself am not against AI. I personally have used it before, and will do so in the future. A specific chat AI helps me regularly with solving problems.
However, I am against people intentionally misleading people about content, and polluting search results with content made in mere seconds, and find it no different than spam. If I made something that randomly generated randomly colored squares on a white canvas, and listed it a dozen or so times, it'd be seen as spam.
Additionally, this issue was brought up in the SL Discord marketplace chat. I've moved it here so that it can get more recognition and visibility to LL.
Personally, I believe that a policy worded like so would benefit everyone in the long run (canny has messed up some formatting here, so it looks like it has no line breaks, these have been substituted with "---" for readability)
Content that is the sole generation of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, or otherwise Generative Content, except in the cases where the generator was written for the sole purpose of generating a specific element, may not be listed on the Marketplace as-is or as the focal point of the content that is listed.
AI images must never be used to generate listing images, and must be presented as the content appears in SL. Overlays, such as permission information, price, branding labels, or sales labels, are permitted as much so as they do not mis-represent the content that is being advertised.
Examples of forbidden listings:
* In singular or collection, AI generated content as a texture, image, mesh, sound or other type of asset, as the sole content being listed.
* A AI generated image in a picture frame.
* A museum prefab filled with AI generated images as a "ready to go" model.
* A object that plays randomly generated AI voice clips.
* Attempting to pass off or mislead people that AI generated content as original, hand crafted content.
* A listing which shows a AI enhanced product preview.
Examples of allowed listings:
* A house that has a AI generated poster in it, where the poster is not the selling point of the house.
* A museum model that has some AI generated images, or is focused on the topic of AI generated content.
* A NPC, that among other features, plays AI generated voice clips.
* A model that has AI generated textures, where the model is not AI generated.
Listings that make use of 50% or more in it's creation must be clearly labeled as using AI generation or assistance in the listing description. Interpretation of what counts as "50% or more is" left solely to Linden Lab.
Listings that use AI but under the 50% threshold are recommended, but not required, to disclose that AI is used in some capacity.
In summary, it forbids listing of content on the marketplace, free or for sale, that is entirely AI generated, requires disclosure of AI generated content when AI does a majority of the work, and guards against some loopholes.
This probably (as in, very likely. I feel this is implied, but just in case) isn't needed, but: Because this will probably get passed by the lawyers, I hereby grant all permission to Linden Lab to use or transform the above work in any way, without attribution or compensation.
Linden Lab has the opportunity to deal with this now before it gets too out of control. Only a handful of residents would be in violation of this policy.
This also only applies to marketplace stuff, not in-world content.
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Journey Bunny
Like it, but the problems are insurmountable.
- It is not possible to prove AI is used.
- Poor understanding of when AI is used, combined with the above inability to definitively price use. For example Photogrammetry is not generative AI; it is often mistaken for genAI now.
- If the concern is that an AI image does not represent the product, them there is a report type for "item not as advertised."
We may feel a repulsion to AI used in advertising, but a dislike for another's work is not a justification to ban it (and I acknowledge that this request does not suggest we should do that)-- the use of AI to misrepresent a product is something we should stop, but already can stop.
The existing protection is stronger. If a misrepresentation is made, report it.
Any new measure that would task LL with determining if AI was used and the percentage of AI use would weaken the premise, that no false advertising should be allowed.
If we are concerned that LL doesn't do enough with the existing report category, then adding a new one with even more difficult-to-assess terms will not address the concern.
Spidey Linden
Merged in a post:
Add Gen Ai in the do not show
Jesse Urvilan
I think we, as consumers, should have the right not to see generative AI content. We could even have a team, or consumers help report it, so you can determine if it’s generated by AI. I know this is probably similar to other feature requests, but how hard would it be to add a button to improve the marketplace experience? Right now, all these fake products are cluttering it, forcing us to see them. We all care about the community, and it’s time to listen to the people who use this platform. Thank you.
Devilgrey Resident
we already had a older request to make an ai-filter but it was just merged onto this canny request
Dragon Hijinks
We need this or a way to block specific stores from showing up for us. I am so sick of having to trudge through this slop to get to actual decent items. I like browsing some categories by Newest, window shopping, but the flood of AI stuff is ruining that little hobby for me. :C
Jaydoge Resident
Yes to this, please and thank you!
Era Mercury
I 100% support this and any other measure that will allow us to make informed decisions on whether or not we support a store/"creator" that utilizes AI!
Rathgrith027 Resident
I support this measure.
VanessaChristy Resident
100% if it's gonna be a plague, at least give us a vaccine!
Chanticleer Evergarden
I agree!
Soxy Whisper
Ok, now how will you enforce it?
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