Gifting Premium Subscriptions
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Prisqua Newall
Allow easy gifting memberships from non-residents.
Spidey Linden
Issue tracked. We have no estimate when it may be implemented. Please see future updates here.
belindacarson Resident
here's the actual way to do it, instead of copying way out of date forum posts and providing incorrect information to users:
Rowan Amore
belindacarson Resident. Which is basically what i posted. You need to file a support ticket. It's a multi-step process requiring both parties to file so...difficult and non-automated. 🙄
Rental Rizzler
belindacarson Resident It needs to be easy otherwise most people wont bother
Rowan Amore
You can gift a premium membership as per Patch in a forum post...
" it is totally possible to gift premium memberships. It's just a difficult, non-automated process that requires out of the norm processing for my team. If you want it done, file a case and ask for it."
Rental Rizzler
Rowan Amore If its not easy it may as well not exist. This needs to be an easy process otherwise no ones gifting subscriptions if you have to file a ticket to start or stop a gifted sub