More options for flagging a review
Dalriada Delwood
More often than not, bad reviews are a user error, a buyers mistake, or a request for more bodies or colors. Can we have a more extended drop down menu that includes “user error”, “purchase mistake”, “request, not a review”. It would make flagging a lot easier.
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Pierre Ceriano
As a customer or a merchant, flagging will always be a big farce for me. The possibility of flagging should be eliminated in favor of a ticket system that the customer would send to the creator. If the latter does not worry about it, customers will quickly form an opinion.
Dalriada Delwood
Pierre Ceriano I am in all favor for contacting the creator.
soxybot0001 Resident
Nah. The question is who does a flag benefit? Not the customer who can read a review and the store owners reply and make their own decision. The flag is just a hammer store owners can use to smash customers fingers.
Being able to reply to a review and note what ever object you have is sufficient.
Otherwise, I want flags like "Store Owner unresponsive", "Store Owner is Awesome!", "Item broken", "Misleading Description" and so on. :-)
Dalriada Delwood
soxybot0001 ResidentThe reviews are your flags already. That makes no sense at all. You are complletely missing the point.
soxybot0001 Resident
Dalriada Delwood The store owners replies to reviews are their flags. See how that works?
Dalriada Delwood
soxybot0001 Resident And then we keep getting negative discussions as the one we are having now and they don't add any value to the product, nor to the review. Which is exactly why it's no use.
Ziel Omizu
soxybot0001 Resident Responses to reviews are not visible on the main review page, so simply responding to them is unhelpful to the creator, and also doesn't fix the star rating.
I frequently use the "issue was noted in product ad / description" because, sure enough - people fail to read and then leave poor reviews because of incompatibilities or issues already mentioned. How is that MY fault? I can put it in big bold letters, lots of stars, exclamation marks, color it red -- and people still somehow miss this vital information I have so graciously provided.
I even have a FAQ that is easy to find and direct users to send me descriptive notecards so that I can troubleshoot any issues, but they don't do that.
I rarely get contacted, often get praised, and DO leave many customers that bother to actually contact me via descriptive message quite happy because I do follow up and fix the issue once I know what it is. NONE of this is seen through the review process.
I get that some creators and products are just that bad -- but the issue is double-edged, and the customer is NOT always right.
nana Saenz
Robotshaz Resident
most often I just report bad reviews as inappropriate because some of the reasons when making a report don't make a lot of sense. Though some reviews especially these 1 star reviews on some of these creators items are uncalled for and most often it is either the customer didn't understand what was being sold properly and a lot of the times people are not trying on demos first.
Beckka Fredericks
Yes! We need more options. Buyers mistake, unrealistic expectations,
Bcreative Wilde
So needed. Way to many times have I gotten low stars on products just because it didn't do "all the things" they personally wanted to too do or they were mad that I don't carry products for their favorite mesh body.
SL Feedback
SL Feedback
Hello, and thank you for your feature request regarding more options for flagging reviews. This idea has been brought up in the past and is currently tracked. We understand how frustrating it can be to deal with unfair or irrelevant reviews, and we appreciate your detailed suggestions for improving the review system. While we have no estimate when these changes might be implemented, please keep an eye on future updates. Your input is valuable to us, and we hope you continue to share your ideas to help improve Second Life. Thank you!