Region Fees no longer auto debiting
Charlotte Bartlett
- New “Tilia” wallet has caused unintended behaviour of region fees not being debited from available USD balance or payment method on file (if USD is not available.
- No communication via email to users of this issue which can cause the account to become “delinquent” if they are not manually logging in on due dates.
- No generic communication to uses have occurred to warn them of the changed behavior on region fees.
- Becoming delinquent can impact a users ability to cash out so this is a significant risk issue.
Please revert to auto payment per the previous policy and capability.
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Charlotte Bartlett
Adding more information.
Automatic payment is occurring at least in some cases. A user on pacific time had automatic processing same day. A user on eastern time it “caught” up the following day and auto processed.
Is there potentially a time aspect involved where Tilia fires the auto debit. In the interim period the SL account shows outstanding as it is no longer “real-time”.
Kristaki Hudson
Hello Charlotte i sent this one myself for sims listings which also is messed up
Charlotte Bartlett
Kristaki Hudson thank you - ha twins! Thanks for linking as they likely will close one / link it (I can't see to do myself sorry).