Remove from Favorites button
Iza Blossom
Once I click "Add To Favorites" the link then becomes unclickable and says "Added as favorite". The link should remain clickable but become a "Remove from favorite" link instead. Then I won't have to dig through 30+ pages of favorites that added up over time to delete it from the favorites list.
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Ecko Soulstar
I have thought this exact thing every single time I have wanted to unfav/unwish something, for whatever reason.
It is a whole dumpster dive that usually takes longer than ever reasonably necessary.. AND, who isn't getting distracted while digging through that list? Who isn't also looking see if there are any others, I might to remove 'while I'm already here'.. ugh.. it's like being walking around the block to get to your backdoor.
Iza Blossom
Ecko Soulstar EXACTLY! So annoying! lol
Hello, and thank you for your feature request.
While we really like this suggestion and we do plan to do something like it, we are not going to do it in the proposed fashion. Please keep an eye out for future releases and maybe you’ll see an approach we’ve taken that addresses your concerns.