Request to add an option in the marketplace for a non-functional item
Kasama Lagan
Currently, when a purchase is made on the Marketplace, there is no way to report an item that is not as described or defective. Some sellers do not respond to support requests, and some do not even log in anymore, leaving buyers without recourse after spending L$. They therefore earn L$ while the item does not work or does not match the ad and the item is still online.
Or, an option to contact the seller via the marketplace in order to have answers and solutions to the problem with a response time.
The first contact could be with the seller via the marketplace due to the report, then resolution or not of the problem, and if not, then a mediator who decides, or if the seller persists in not responding voluntarily then a return of L$.
We therefore suggest adding an additional option "Report an item that does not match or does not work" accessible after the purchase. This would allow users to alert Linden Lab if there is a problem with an item, so that checks and, if necessary, sanctions can be applied. This feature would provide better protection for buyers and guarantee a more reliable and fair Marketplace for all.
There is a need for more cleanup for sellers who are not very honest or for sellers who no longer log in and therefore no longer update their products.
Thanks for reading.
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Reid Parkin
'Or, an option to contact the seller via the marketplace in order to have answers and solutions to the problem with a response time'.
This is a very good idea. It can also be used by LL to monitor merchant activity. If there are no responses to 'Contact Merchant' requests over a period of time, then a warning followed by a final warning should be sent out. The whole MP store should be deactivated, until the merchant responds to the final warning.
Of course, It should override any option not to receive emails from MP.
Maestro Linden
Test comment - please ignore
Shrike Linden
Shrike Linden
Shrike Linden
You can currently report item listings for this reason and others by using the "Flag This Listing" link. It can be found on the right-hand side of the screen next to a little red flag icon when viewing any listing; you do need to be logged into your Second Life account for the link to appear, however.
Kasama Lagan
Shrike Linden Hello,
I'm sorry but in the report, there is no option regarding an item that does not work and that should do so as stated in the article, there are many options (mostly "obsolete") but not this one, if we buy a product, and it is not usable, we have no way to be reimbursed or for the seller to make changes or respond to us directly.
I think this is abused and scandalous.
I have also tried in the past to report an ad of this type, while putting it in a category that does not correspond, but which seemed to me to be the closest, and where no response was made from you!
Shrike Linden
Kasama Lagan: "Item Not As Advertised" covers items that do not function.
Kasama Lagan
Shrike Linden well, and now? in which category? i already did that and i never had any answer...(3 times) any refund...
Shrike Linden
Kasama Lagan: I do suppose none of those quite fit! "Item Permissions Not As Advertised" is probably the closest, I'll see about adding another option for "Item Does Not Function".
Cube Republic
Shrike Linden Hi. I'm curious, if an item is flagged as 'not as described, not functional' what is the next procedure? Is the item inspected by a linden and delisted if the criteria is met? Thank you
Reid Parkin
Shrike Linden "Item Does Not Function" might just mean the buyer is not using it correctly. This option could also be abused. The buyer might get a refund on a perfectly functional item. Perhaps the flagging could be followed by an email to seller to either respond by providing support/explanation or item may be delisted. There is also the review system that can warn about faults and unresponsive seller. Its a very tricky situation with no clear solution, and this is why it's always been the risk you take, unfortunately.
deplove Resident
and I also add that there is a lot of competition so the reporting might be just to make the creator look bad, about the assistance from the creator I agree, in my case I am always ready to intervene and at no cost, in other cases they don't know how to use it then I get patient and explain step by step. A customer must always be respected.But even I find absolute silence to my requests for help, which deters me later from having him as a provider.
Kasama Lagan
Reid Parkin That's why I'm explaining that there should be a deadline for the creator to respond, a sort of "ticket," where the creator could help or explain, otherwise in the event of a proven malfunction, and then a mediator could decide or refund.
How do real sites do it? They do it like that, and it works. It should be the same here; it's a sales showcase like any other website, so we have the right to demand that things be functional and not allow certain sellers who no longer come to update or sellers who take advantage of it because we have no recourse, and it becomes annoying.
We can't let this go unpunished. It's a form of scam.
Reid Parkin
Kasama Lagan says 'How do real sites do it? They do it like that, and it works'.
How do you know this, though? Have you ever spoken to sellers on Ebay or Amazon to hear their opinion of it? I purchase online a lot, and most of the time things go smoothly, but there have been times when I get a refund for undelivered and then the item is delivered a day or two later, or it turns out the battery I used is flat etc. Amazon and Ebay lean heavily towards the customer. These sites don't mediate, they just refund, and there isn't even a way to return a refund except organising something with the seller. Most buyers wouldn’t bother.
Who would do the mediating? LL wouldn't provide staff for that because it would be too tedious. That would be a big job with both sides arguing over a few dollars, usually.
I understand that something is needed but it has to suit both buyer and seller.
How about something like this from Ebay, a Contact Seller button directly on MP, and if you get no response don't buy it.
Kasama Lagan
Reid Parkin I don't see how my request poses a problem. You seem to feel attacked as a seller, which is quite strange, especially since this opinion seems to only serve the seller's interests, not the buyer's.
I simply propose that after a purchase, if an item isn't working, a button be implemented to contact the seller directly via the Marketplace. This button would guarantee the seller's obligation to respond within a specified timeframe, which doesn't seem to me to be an unreasonable request. This would allow for quick resolution of problems, whether the problem is a misunderstanding on the part of the buyer or an actual product malfunction. It would be legitimate protection for the buyer.
If the item is indeed defective, this should result in an update or a refund.
Also, when you mention other merchant sites, please note that I also often order online, and in the vast majority of cases, mediation is offered in the event of a problem. I understand that implementing such a system would require resources from Linden Lab, but it remains entirely feasible.
Many sites like Etsy, Temu, and AliExpress already have this type of mechanism in place, and it works. I don't understand how defective items can be sold with impunity, to the detriment of buyers. Just because it's a few L$ doesn't mean it should be considered normal: a purchase is still a purchase, regardless of the amount.
Finally, when you suggest: "Why not implement a 'Contact Seller' button directly on the Marketplace, and if you don't receive a response, then don't buy?"
That would mean having to contact a seller before even buying, without knowing if the item works. Such an option seems completely absurd to me.
Reid Parkin
Kasama Lagan I voted for this. I see it as a definite problem. I personally know a seller (my ex-partner) who hasn't logged in since 2019, has faulty items and just takes the money, and he doesnt care. I think it's a terrible thing. He sells boat rezzers, but I just can't see an LL staff member buying and testing his items to confirm they dont work. Maybe if it was a rare MP event, but it wouldn't be. And many items would just be user error, inexperience or not reading instructions, and LL would need to confirm this everytime.
I have bought very expensive items and felt I should get a refund, and therefore before I ever buy something I'm not prepared to take a risk on, I would send this message to the seller 'Hi, I'm thinking of buying your item. Do you give after sale support?'. No response, no sale.
Therefore, a Contact Merchant button on MP would be perfect. And as I said in my post right at the top, LL could monitor the responses to see if the merchant is still active, and if no responses then they should inactivate the whole store.
I'm on your side. But not for a system that could be abused.
Kasama Lagan
Reid ParkinUnfortunately, in the absence of sanctions, this type of problem risks recurring without any refund being possible... and that seems unacceptable to me. When selling a product, it's normal to respect the buyer.
I understand your point of view, however. But following this logic, a seller could very well respond the first time, confirm that their item doesn't work, and then cease all communication thereafter. The problem would therefore remain the same: the buyer would still not be reimbursed.
If this is tolerated, then it opens the door to selling defective items with complete impunity, with no obligation for the seller to notify buyers or refund them.
As for reviews, we know they're not a reliable solution. An item can be withdrawn, relisted, and reviews can also be removed...
Reid Parkin
Kasama Lagan Well, at least the seller is still active. The worst case is a seller leaving SL and selling broken products, but still collecting profits.
I always give refunds to unhappy customers, but I know many merchants don't because they dont think a refund is justified and you cant return the item if it's copy. In RL you can, and you are expected to. Therefore, there's more chance of abuse in SL.
There's no easy solution.