Currently, when a purchase is made on the Marketplace, there is no way to report an item that is not as described or defective. Some sellers do not respond to support requests, and some do not even log in anymore, leaving buyers without recourse after spending L$. They therefore earn L$ while the item does not work or does not match the ad and the item is still online.
Or, an option to contact the seller via the marketplace in order to have answers and solutions to the problem with a response time.
The first contact could be with the seller via the marketplace due to the report, then resolution or not of the problem, and if not, then a mediator who decides, or if the seller persists in not responding voluntarily then a return of L$.
We therefore suggest adding an additional option "Report an item that does not match or does not work" accessible after the purchase. This would allow users to alert Linden Lab if there is a problem with an item, so that checks and, if necessary, sanctions can be applied. This feature would provide better protection for buyers and guarantee a more reliable and fair Marketplace for all.
There is a need for more cleanup for sellers who are not very honest or for sellers who no longer log in and therefore no longer update their products.
Thanks for reading.