Table 2 Json A quick and dirty method for dumping a table into a string function table2json(tbl,depth) if depth == true then depth = 1 end local set = {} local obj = false; local frst = 0 for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if k ~= (frst + 1) then obj = true break end frst = frst + 1 end for k , v in pairs(tbl) do local t = type(v) if t == "number" then v = `{v}` elseif v == nil then v = `null` elseif t == "table" then v = table2json(v,depth and depth+1 or false) elseif t == "function" then v = `"function<{,"n")}>"` else v = `"{v}"` end if obj then v = `"{k}":{v}` end set[#set+1] = v end local sep = "," if obj then if depth then sep = ",\n" sep = sep .. string.rep(" ",depth*2) set = sep:sub(2) .. table.concat(set,sep) .. sep:sub(2,#sep - 4) else set = table.concat(set,sep) end return `\{{set}\}` end return `[{table.concat(set,sep)}]` end can be called like this local tbl = {`a`,2,uuid("677bf9a4-bba5-4cf9-a4ad-4802a0f7ef46"),{`b`,`c`,{`d`,`e`,vector(1,1,1)}},a=`7`,{x=1,y=2,z=3},ll.Say} ll.OwnerSay(table2json(tbl)) ll.OwnerSay(table2json(tbl,true)) passing true or a number into the second argument enables indentation / pretty print Json 2 Table a crude v1 of json 2 table local function json2table(json) local tb = ll.Json2List(json) for k,v in pairs(tb) do if type(v) == "string" then local t = ll.JsonValueType(v,{}); if t == utf8.char(0xFDD2) then tb[k] = json2table(v) elseif t == utf8.char(0xFDD1) then local obj = json2table(v) v = {} for i = 1, #obj, 2 do v[obj[i]] = obj[i+1] end tb[k] = v end end end return tb end