LL recently released a teaser trailer for PBR + triplanar mapping on terrain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qmbws6tNwMw However, the same old issues will presumably remain the same: You can only specify the low and high points for texture blending in each corner of the region. The viewer will then determine how the textures blend together. The blending is random, and done on the client side, so everyone sees a different terrain! For those reasons, region owners have extremely limited control over their land, and that's why most people don't even bother using it, resorting to mesh instead. I have personally tried to make beaches in the past and found it absolutely impossible without setting the min blend heights very high, or setting all 4 textures to be the same. Region owners need the ability to actually paint (like vertex painting) the terrain, in a similar way to the terraforming tools. 4 textures/materials is probably enough for most people, but more might be nice. This would allow the creation of designated themed spaces, beaches, paths, and more.